Wednesday, November 28, 2012

9th Grade Football Recap

Mitchell had a very good 9th grade football season. He was the starting right guard on the "A" team all season long. Every week he showed much improvement and by the end of the season he was knocking guys on their butts (see the sequence of pictures below) :) Go Mitch, super proud of your hard work to make and keep your spot on the "A" team all season.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Random Games

I love random games. Like the 4 boys laying on the floor attemping to hit and kick a balloon and keep it in the air as long as possible.:) What fun game!... except maybe for poor Mitchell with his head on the floor:)

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a nice Thanksgiving weekend in Hibbing, likely the last time that we will all be together in the house we grew up in. (My parents will be moving into a new home in July 2013). We toasted to another 30 years in the new house if we are lucky and and thoroughly enjoyed our time together. Jenn and I ventured out for a 5 mile run in several inches or snow and the boys were in heaven as there were TWO ipads available for their entertainment all weekend. I am convinced they would play 24 hours per day if we let them!

Jeff always enjoys his talks with Grandpa Mike:)

I love this picture of my Gma and Gpa with all their great grandchildren. It was much easier to get the picture this time. I remember quite a showdown with Grant a couple of years ago when we tried:)

Grandma, going in for a kiss!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Halloween Week!!

Start of Halloween Week: Pioneer Park Halloween event in Annandale, where we met up with neighbors the Glaesmans, and trick or treated from building to building.

This was the only time that Grant could be spotted as a ninja, which was the costume we bought him for Halloween this year. On Monday of Halloween week, at preschool, he figured out that if he was Captain America instead for the preschool Halloween party on Wednesday that him and his buddies at preschool could be the Avengers!! I laughed and thought how impressive it was that a group of 4 year olds planned out 2 days ahead of time, discussed, and decided what costumes they should wear... that is more planning that most 14 year old would put in!
Monday evening was cookie time! We continued our annual traditions of delivering decorated sugar cookies to friends that the boys choose... I need to remember to make a third batch next year, as their friend numbers keep growing! This year we delivered an impressive 11 plates of cookies, and a couple of the friends lived on the OUTskirts of Buffalo, so it was about a 2 hour delivery route by the time all was said and done!

Tuesday evening was pumpkin carving of course:)

And Wednesday, Trick or Treating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since Mitch wanted to hand out the candy, both Jeff and I got to take the boys trick or treating this year, and they weather was perfect for it.