Thursday, May 31, 2012

Joel's Preschool Graduation and Program

Mr. Joel is officially a preschool graduate and moving on to kindergarden next fall! He did a nice job participating in his end of year program on Wednesday and was happy to pose with his beloved teacher Mrs. Hohol.

Just for fun, a quick pic of Joel's little girlfriend, McKenzie (Mac).

No Training Wheels - part 2!

Piece of cake!!

No Training Wheels

It was a big Memorial Day weekend here at the Benson house! both the boys are without training wheels and they could NOT be more excited! It took them both about 10 seconds to get it down pat! I was shocked actually, as I thought that we would spend all day teaching them, but they were naturals. Grant was the first one to want to try. I didn't think Joel would care, as he has always had little interest in bike riding, but I was wrong!... as soon as he saw Grant he was ready to go!

Preschool Playdates

Grant and I (and friends) will miss our Friday morning playdates now that preschool is over. Friday mornings were Grant's special time to have his best buddy, Andrew, all to himself (while their older siblings were at preschool). They have built quite the nice little friendship over the course of the year. Sports has always been their main focus when they play together. Baseball, soccer, hockey, basketball, they both love all sports!

Mitch and Grant's Family Birthday Party

As usual, we celebrated Mitch and Grant's birthdays with the relatives in late May, and as usual, they were spoiled with gifts from Grandpas and Grandmas, and aunts and uncles.

 A special bag of gummy bears for Joel, from Aunt Jenn:)

Grant is FOUR!

Lots of fun memories from Grant's 4th birthday, both at home with the family and at PUMP IT UP!!!, where Grant and FOURTEEN of his best buddies celebrated and jumped their hearts out. It was truly a blast and definitely a birthday he will never forget. He got a new razor scooter from us and a few more Star Wars fighter pods. The real excitement was the gift that Mitchell gave him, a Captain America costume! You can see from the pictures that he truly loved it and even wore it to his Pump It Up party. And no, we didn't tell anyone to wear costumes, and No, no ones else was in costume... just Grant:) We celebrated Grant's birthday on Mother's Day, hence the flowers.

Fighter Pods!

Can anyone find Grant!?

Grant, feeling shy while everyone was singing to him:)